Coping with winter blues
Sharing some tips for coping with winter blues
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” croons the 1963 Christmas song by Andy Williams, a song that celebrates the merriness of lights twinkling, carol singing and bells jingling.
Christmas is no doubt a magical time, but for many the short, dark days of winter can be a difficult period. Shorter hours of sunlight can cause people to develop a type of depression called ‘seasonal affective disorder’ (SAD). SAD is characterised by a low, sad, or flat mood, tiredness or lethargy and a loss of interest in usual activities during the darker months.
For many brain injury survivors, such problems are unfortunately a regular part of life. Difficulties with sleep, mood, concentration, and initiative (our sense of ‘get up and go’) can all be common experiences after brain injury, with the winter days potentially making these even greater challenges to cope with.
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Find out moreSheri Taylor, Dietician and Director at Specialist Nutrition Rehab.
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