Stef Harvey from St Albans in Hertfordshire, is a brain injury survivor who has been nominated for her determination to overcome adversity.
In February 2016, Stef was white water kayaking on the Olympic course near her home when her life suddenly changed.
Now 51, Stef has little memory of the incident but knows she was thrown from her kayak and felt a thud on her forehead just above her left brow. Fortunately, she was saved from the water by quick-thinking onlookers.
Stef was discharged from hospital a day later with a concussion, which is a form of brain injury. However, her situation worsened, and she began to experience speech difficulties and couldn't recognise her family or once familiar objects and places. Bright lights, noise and fatigue, became overwhelming, and Stef struggled with her emotions and balance.
"Sustaining a traumatic brain injury turned my life inside out, stamped on it and rolled over it with a steam roller, as well as the lives of my family who relied on me," said Stef. "I was in denial for a long time."
However, Stef has made incredible progress over the years and racked up an impressive list of accomplishments. These include delivering training to social workers with brain injury charity Headway Hertfordshire, creating and delivering training on Deaf awareness to hospital staff, and even attracting praise for her poetry from award-winning author Lemn Sissay OBE.
Stef has now made a compilation of her creative work, including poetry, cartoons, and journal-style recounts of her brain injury journey. She is striving to have this published in her quest to raise awareness of hidden disabilities.
These achievements and more have led to Stef becoming one of just three finalists for the Alex Richardson Achiever of the Year Award.
The accolade, sponsored by Slater & Gordon, will be presented by Headway – the brain injury association, at its glittering awards ceremony on December 8 at the London Landmark hotel.
Stef has been nominated for the award by Anna Michau, an occupational therapist at Headway Hertfordshire, which has supported Stef with her brain injury.
Anna said: "Stef is always fun, enthusiastic and willing to be involved in supporting her local Headway group.
What makes her stand out from others is her ability to express her feelings and experiences in a personal manner. Her willingness to share her thoughts and struggles really helps her peers. Stef is also notable for her passion to educate and support others and raise public awareness on the effects of brain injury.
She is a continuous ambassador at work and in leisure, for increasing public awareness of brain injury.
Stef has shown strength and tenacity in her recovery from brain injury and continues to make steady progress. I have never worked with an individual like Stef; she has taught me more about brain injury than I ever considered and enriched how I work as an occupational therapist with brain-injured clients."
As well as supporting brain injury survivors, Stef has found another way to help people by returning to the world of work in a caring role, something not always possible following a brain injury.
With the support of occupational therapists and her colleagues, Stef now works regular hours as a Healthcare Assistant, helping to care for older people.
Stef is delighted to be a Headway's Achiever of the Year finalist. "A huge team of professionals and family have helped me to get back on my feet," she said.
"Because of the support I’ve had following my brain injury, I have been able to do many things, including learning to ski, ride motorbikes, write poetry, quilt, and meditate.
I have given several talks and training sessions in a job I never saw myself doing but where I can speak out for others and influence policy across my NHS trust. I didn't want to be in this position, but here I am, so I am using it as a force for good.
Being nominated for this award is an opportunity to recognise how far I have come compared to seven years ago when I couldn’t talk as well as having a long list of physical and cognitive disabilities. Back then, my family and I thought my life was as good as over.
And it means so much to me that other people have recognised my achievements, too. Because it is hard, it's a struggle, and it's lonely. And it's stressful and tries my patience to its limit. It's hard to accept a new brain that doesn't do what my old one did and not feel hard done by. But I commit myself fully and will continue to achieve."