A new study has asked TBI survivors what areas they prioritise for quality of life (QoL). The researchers found that TBI survivors highlighted the following seven priorities for QoL: ensuring basic needs are met, participating in everyday life, trusting a circle of care, being seen and accepted, finding meaning in relationships, giving back and advocating, and finding purpose and value.
The researchers employed a method in which they undertook a series of phases to investigate the context of QoL after TBI, areas that TBI survivors broadly prioritise for QoL, and areas that TBI survivors prioritise for QoL.
In addition to the seven priorities for QoL described above, broad priorities identified by TBI survivors included social support, employment and accessible environments.
The findings offer direction for improving the quality of brain injury survivors’ lives by highlighting areas of importance to them.
Reference: Grewal, J., Citton, K., Sing, G., Biagioni, J.B., & Schmidt, J. (2024). Priorities for quality of life after traumatic brain injury, PLOS One, DOI: doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0306524
Open Access link: www.journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0306524