Groups and branches:
Map key
Organisation details
Phone number:
020 7749 7790
Email address:
Website URL:
Organisation details
Phone number:
07726 325 222
Email address:
Website URL:
Meeting details
The LINK(providing informal social rehabilitation)
Weekly, Thursday 11am-3pm
The Salvation Army 15-17 Roxeth Hill Harrow HA2 0JY
The Harrow Support Group
Monthly, First Wednesday of every month, 7.30-9pm
The Salvation Army 15-17 Roxeth Hill Harrow HA2 0JY
Organisation details
Phone number:
07395 831 993
Email address:
Website URL:
Meeting details
Virtual Support Groups
Monthly, Please refer to
Social Activities
, For more information see
Allotment project
Raynes Park visit for more information.
Organisation details
Phone number:
07562 3414 60
Email address:
Website URL:
Meeting details
Peer Support Group
Monthly, 3rd Monday of month
St Paul's Centre, Hammersmith