Our fundraising principles We are passionate about improving life after brain injury, but we can only do this with the help of our supporters.

Charitable giving should always be about choice. It's about trust and respect and knowing that the values and principles of our supporters are reflected by the charity they choose to support.

We are proud of the principles we work to and believe in. We hope our supporters share these values and feel able to help us to continue to support people affected by brain injury across the UK.

Headway – the brain injury association has committed to following the Code of Fundraising Practice and the Fundraising Promise.

  • We do not employ people to cold call or make unsolicited approaches, whether by phone, email or accosting potential donors in the street. 
  • We will provide participants choosing to take on a Headway fundraising challenge with all the support they need.
  • We do not employ 'hard sell' tactics. We believe that informing donors about the vital support we provide to survivors of a brain injury and their families will persuade them to fund our work.
  • We will not bombard donors with excessive mailshots.
  • Donors have control over how much information they would like to receive from Headway.
  • We respect the privacy of our donors and will never share or sell their details or personal information to any other agency.

Headway’s statement on fundraising through boxing or mixed martial arts

We are always extremely grateful to anyone wishing to support our work to improve life after brain injury.

As a charity that helps people to rebuild their lives after brain injury while campaigning to prevent avoidable trauma from occurring, Headway has a long-standing opposition to boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA). In both sports, the object is to incapacitate your opponent by deliberately targeting the head, which in turn causes short and long-term damage to the brain.

Given Headway’s strong opposition to boxing and MMA, it would be inappropriate for the charity to profit from any event featuring either sport or for its logo or name to be associated in any way with such events.

Once again, we recognise and are grateful for our supporters' desire to raise funds to support our work and hope that all can appreciate our position.

Thank you! Every donation we receive helps us to go that one step further to improving life after brain injury!

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