Holidays and travel

Holiday organisers are increasingly considering the needs and wants of disabled people. There are, however, steps you can take to help ensure your holiday goes as smoothly as possible.

Before you go

  • It is important to check that the holiday insurance policy covers any aids or equipment that you might need to take with you.
  • Do ensure that you have a good supply of medication and necessary aids and equipment to last you for your stay. Medicines and tablets should be clearly labelled.
  • If in doubt, check with your doctor that it is safe for you to fly.
  • You should check any special health requirements for the countries you are visiting. Vaccination may be required, or advisable, against certain diseases.
  • Do ensure that you contact those concerned (airline, railway, accommodation) well in advance if you have any special requirements. Don’t assume that staff members will know and understand your needs, make sure you tell them!
  • Allow enough time for boarding - you may not follow the same procedure as everyone else.
  • Consider the security of your home whilst you are away. You may wish to make arrangements for somebody you trust to visit your home whilst you are away for security reasons.

Funding for holidays

Any disabled person or family with a disabled member has the right to approach their local Social Services department concerning assistance in making holiday arrangements. Unfortunately, in practice, holidays are often a low priority for Social Services due to budget restrictions – but it is always worth asking especially when considering your needs as part of a personal budget assessment.

Possible sources of help include organisations set up to look after members of a particular group and their family. Professional bodies often have funding available for members and their dependents. Trade Unions have similar schemes. Local charities may be able to help. The local public reference library and local CVS (Council for Voluntary Service) are good sources of information on the charities in your area.

There are some trusts that consider applications for financial assistance towards the cost of a holiday  For more information on possible sources of funding contact our freephone helpline.

Travel insurance

Most insurance companies charge a large premium or offer lower levels of cover for people with pre-existing medical conditions, including brain injury.

We always suggest getting a few quotes before buying travel insurance, as prices and cover can vary depending on your circumstances. You can find a list of more providers on our Holidays and Travel after brain injury factsheet (PDF)

In this video we spoke with James Riley, Associate Solicitor at Irwin Mitchell in The International Serious Injury team, to discover why travel insurance is so important when booking a holiday.

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