"A charity of love"
A charity of love
"My name is Max Muteliso, born and raised in Zimbabwe. I was unfortunately involved in a car accident in 2002 in the UK the same year i came over to further my studies. As a result of the accident I sustained brain injuries and in 2004 I started attending Headway Leeds Charity socials.
Thanks to Headway Leeds, I benefited mentally, socially and culturally therefore I would like to dedicate this poem to them as well as the Headway UK charities alike.
Headway Leeds, a beacon of hope.
For those who struggle to cope,
With physical challenges and strife
Giving them a chance at a better life
after sustaining brain injury.
Through mingling, social events indoors,
The trips opened the world’s doors.
People from all walks of life
Gather to fight chronic strife
after sustaining brain injury.
With newfound purpose and direction,
They find their soul’s true reflection.
Breaking barriers of isolation,
Uniting in a shared elation
after sustaining brain injury.
Headway Charities are heartbeats of love,
Offering a helping hand, a velvet glove.
Inspiring the will to live and thrive,
Fostering hope so we can survive
after sustaining brain injury.
We stand in awe of your work
O Headway Leeds, you never shirk,
Your duties to those with needs and meek.
Thank you for the joy you seek,
after sustaining brain injury.
Max Muteliso
Brain injury survivor Max Muteliso certainly knows the challenges faced by fellow brain injury survivors across the world after spending 4 years solo globetrotting in his wheelchair.
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Headway - the brain injury association is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Charity no. 1025852) and the Office of the Scottish Regulator (Charity no. SC 039992). Headway is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 2346893.
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