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Post-traumatic growth after brain injury

Post-traumatic growth after brain injury

Over the last seven years I’ve been in dark places to get to where I am today, but I’ve come out a much better person. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s getting bigger and bigger.

These inspiring words were shared by Marco Gambi, a brain injury survivor who was involved in a devastating motorbike crash in 2016.

Following the accident, Marco’s world was changed in an instant.

He sustained multiple injuries, was no longer able to continue working as a chef, and, like so many survivors, found the process of adjusting to life with brain injury incredibly difficult.

Click here to Read Marco's story.

Feeling positive after brain injury

There is no right or wrong way to feel after brain injury, and no survivor should ever be made to feel like they have to be positive. It is perfectly normal to feel grief and a sense of loss.

However, research points towards a few suggestions that can help with developing a positive approach after brain injury...

• Set realistic goals for yourself that are achievable – this may mean breaking larger goals into smaller tasks, asking for help to achieve goals, or trying something new to accommodate for your needs.

• Visit to read personal testimonies from other brain injury survivors on living life after brain injury.

• Explore your options for returning to work or consider volunteering opportunities. Our factsheets on Returning to work after brain injury and Voluntary work after brain injury offer advice on these topics.

• Consider what your values are. Research points towards a concept called values-based living that is associated with PTG. It entails recognising what matters most to you in life – your family, hobbies, skills, and making commitments to focus on these.

• Identify a new hobby or skill. Many people develop new interests after their brain injury and the possibilities are endless! There are plenty of ideas online and in books or magazines of activities you could try, and many activities that have been adapted for people with disabilities.

• Seek support from a professional, such as a clinical neuropsychologist or counsellor specialising in brain injury.

Above all, try not to lose hope – there can be life after brain injury. For many, the first few months and years are the hardest to adjust to, but remember that support is available and time can be a healer. Identifying things that are important to you and that give your life meaning can help with feelings of positivity, even after trauma.

Finally, please remember that you can contact our nurse-led helpline on 0808 800 2244 or visit for information and support, or contact your local Headway group or branch for local support


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