Dr Roger Weddell
I’m a neuropsychologist and I have supported Headway one way or another since 1986
Consultant Neuropsychologist Dr Rodger Weddell has supported Headway in many different ways and now hosts discussion forums online for Headway as a volunteer.
“I’m a neuropsychologist and I have supported Headway one way or another since 1986. Initially, I did that as part of my NHS job. Headway supported people that the NHS did not see as warranting support – partners and parents of people sustaining a TBI. I was a member of the local Headway branch and we worked on a few joint projects.
I retired from the NHS thirteen years ago and continued working with Headway on a voluntary basis as well as setting up my own private practice. I facilitated a group in the NHS for people and relatives living with TBI in 1996. I continued doing that in my local branch as well as supporting other branches in South Wales. I saw a few people for one to one support and facilitated other groups in those branches.
My contribution moved to being online during the initial years of the COVID pandemic, seeing people one to one and facilitating group conversations (Discussion Forums) with people across Wales and parts of the rest of the country.
Why do I do it? Well, it can’t be for the money! We need money to survive, but we need a whole lot more than that to appreciate the life we have.
Part of the gain for me is that I am able to connect with generally lovely people who are interesting.
The absence of financial reward is one of the strengths of the work – I like the fact that I’m doing what I’m doing because I value the people I meet and I also like the fact that me seeing them without payment demonstrates that they are important in themselves.
It's not just a sense of freedom and choice for me. No two people are identical – that’s even true of identical twins. Why not pick one person that you are close to and know very well. Then ask yourself, “Do I know anybody that is the same as that person in every respect?” Yes, other people may be similar in some respects but I invite people to consider their whole range of behaviour (behaviour in work, family, friends, and alone time) before answering that question. My point here is, that if you really listen to and try to understand someone else, it is inevitable that you will learn somethings that are new to you. I have found that the people I have met through Headway have taught me a lot one way or another.
I have tried to be helpful to people. Most if not all value that experience. They then like me. I try to understand them. When you do understand a person to a significant extent, you develop a sympathy and liking for how they are put together. So, people I meet in Headway generally like me and I probably always like them – that social food is as essential to me as the food I eat.”
Alongside fantastic staff, Headway is fortunate to have many amazing volunteers across the network all helping to improve lives after brain injury. We want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to each and every one.
To find out more about volunteering at Headway visit the webpage or click on the links below.
Volunteers Week is an annual celebration and a chance to recognise the incredible people freely giving their time to enrich the lives of those around them. This year we’re excited to be celebrating t...
Find out moreHelen Shaw started volunteering with Headway South Cumbria 12 years ago and is Vice Chair of the Branch. Before that, she volunteered with two other Headway branches in the North West region.
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Headway - the brain injury association is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Charity no. 1025852) and the Office of the Scottish Regulator (Charity no. SC 039992). Headway is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 2346893.
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