Aims and objectives

Our mission:

To promote understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provide information, support and services to survivors, their families and carers. In addition, Headway will campaign to reduce the incidence of brain injury.

Our objectives:

  • To increase awareness and understanding of brain injury and its consequences
  • To initiate activities and campaigns which will reduce the incidence of brain injury
  • To provide information and support for people with brain injuries, their relatives, carers and concerned professional people
  • To promote improved approaches to brain injury screening, acute care, assessment, rehabilitation and community reintegration
  • To assist people with brain injuries to return to community living, including access to appropriate accommodation, social outlets and productive activity
  • To support and help to establish Headway Groups throughout the UK in furtherance of the charity's mission statement and encourage them to address the needs of all sections of the community

Our five values:

Devised in 2023 by staff and trustees, these values underpin everything we do and how we act – as individuals and as a charity:

  1. We collaborate
  2. We are bold
  3. We care
  4. We celebrate diversity
  5. We give you a voice

You can read more about our organisational values in our values news story.

Our long-term strategic aims 2024-2029:

The new strategy was developed through listening to as many voices and opinions as possible, this inclusive approach highlighted the key concerns and needs of the community, shaping the charity's four strategic priorities for the upcoming years.

  1. Strengthen the network of local Headway charities and volunteer-led branches
  2. Increase awareness and understanding of brain injury
  3. Develop new support services to help people to live well after brain injury
  4. Support research to evidence the need for better access to specialised services for people affected by brain injury

You can read more about our long-term strategic aims by downloading the full five-year strategy document, or learn more through our animated video below, which explains more about Headway and the five-year strategy.

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