LMMBox supports people living with dementia and other memory problems, and their carers. Since July 2018 the charity has grown from one group in Leicester City, to six groups overall including a group specific to the South Asian community.
Using music and singing to is a valuable tool when working with someone with a memory problem or brain injury. Sometimes unlocking otherwise lost experiences and memories; we anticipate that attendees will experience a boost in confidence, improvements in mood and reduce feelings of social isolation.
"We are delighted to collaborate with LMMBox and reach out to more people across Leicester who have been affected by brain injury," said Mary Goulty Service Manager at Headway Leicester.
"There is a clear need for a support service within the BAME community and that’s why we launched our BAME group last year, which is providing a vital lifeline to brain injury survivors we support and their families.”
We have two dedicated members of staff who are fluent in Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu and aim to provide the local community with a supportive network and a safe space to explore the unique challenges that a brain injury may bring to not only the individuals but also to families and carers.
The new joint online music project ‘Geet Sangeet’ translated as ‘Songs Sung Together’ will incorporate music and cultural references specific to the South Asian community led by group leader, Beena Masand from LMMBox. Each session will begin with gentle exercises to warm-up the body and brain followed by singing and chat about various music, songs, and media. Attendees will also receive their own ‘musical memory box’ in a bag which will make the sessions even more interactive!
“We know we are providing a vital service to our members and receive enquiries regularly. In spite of the lockdown, we are thrilled to be able to once again provide a culturally specific group for the South Asian Community. We also know that the group leader needs to come from that community and have the music and cultural knowledge to be able to engage participants effectively,” said Kyle Newman group leader and co-director of LMMBox.
To find out more about this exciting new project then please find details below.
If you are concerned about memory loss or a dementia diagnosis you can call us on 07736 841 558 or email us on LMMBox2018@gmail.com. We also have a website www.leicestermusicalmemorybox.co.uk and are present on most social media
If you need advice following a brain injury either for yourself or a loved one, you can self-refer by calling 0116 273 9763 or email us on headway@headwayleicester.org.uk or visit our website for more information www.headwayleicester.org.uk.
About Leicester Musical Memory Box
Leicester Musical Memory Box is a Community Interest Company (C.I.C) a not for profit organisation.
Using music and singing we aim to improve the wellbeing of anyone affected by dementia and other conditions involving memory problems, loneliness and isolation or, who feels they would benefit. This can often also include the wider circle of family and friends.
Key facts:
- We know that when people affected by dementia, and other conditions affecting mental health, have access to music as part of their care, it plays an invaluable part in helping to enhance theirs, and their carers day to day experience.
- Musical memory and emotion are connected.
- Working with music and singing offers ways of connecting to past experiences and, with each other.
- Music enables people to express themselves, bringing back feelings of a sense of self, confidence, personal history and connection to friends and family.
- 3 skilled leaders work with the support of a team of 15 volunteers to provide a service where people can enjoy the social setting of a group where they are encouraged to sing and express themselves in a safe environment.