Data from 2019-20 highlights that there is still one admission to hospital for brain injury every 90 seconds, one head injury every three minutes and one stroke every four minutes in the UK.
Alarmingly, head injuries among females have continued to rise, with an increase of 28% in hospital admissions among females since 2005-06. Strokes in males have increased by 24%, while total strokes have increased by 14% since 2005-06. All ABIs have increased by 12% since 2005-06, with there being 356,699 admissions to hospital in 2019-20.
The increase in hospital admissions for brain injuries provides an up-to-date picture of the scale of the problem and further reinforces a continuing need for appropriate support services. Many of those admitted to hospital with a brain injury related primary diagnosis will experience long-term difficulties and require some form of rehabilitation and support.
These figures are a vital resource for those involved in developing the UK government’s ABI strategy, to which Headway is contributing. The statistics also provide accurate data with which to approach commissioners and evidence the need for sustainable, appropriate and consistent funding for rehabilitation and support services.
To access the updated hospital admission statistics, visit the statistics section.