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Headway asks the new government to support brain injury survivors

Fri 05 Jul 2024

Headway – the brain injury association welcomes the formation of the new government at this critical time for people affected by acquired brain injury (ABI).

As Headway supporters may remember, in 2021 the government at the time committed to developing a cross-departmental ABI strategy.

Progress with the strategy has been slow, however, Headway has been fully engaged with the process throughout, and we remain committed to supporting its development. In the short term, this means ensuring the new government commits to the continued development of the ABI strategy.

To support the Government in the production of the strategy, ahead of the General Election, Headway launched a manifesto, From Awareness to Action, demanding better care for people affected by brain injury, which focuses on five key priorities for brain injury survivors.

Headway wants to see increased understanding and awareness of brain injury, an end to the neurorehabilitation postcode lottery, investment in local brain injury reablement services, enhanced support for brain injury survivors’ loved ones, and a reform to social care making it equitable and sustainable.

It is crucial that the new government understands brain injury, prioritises it, and invests in services to support survivors and their loved ones. By adopting our five calls for change, we believe that this government can help us to transform the lives of those affected by brain injury.

Headway looks forward to working with the new government to help them deliver much-needed change for brain injury survivors and their families.

We will keep you updated - please keep an eye on our social media channels.


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Headway - the brain injury association is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Charity no. 1025852) and the Office of the Scottish Regulator (Charity no. SC 039992). Headway is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 2346893.

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