Since the launch of our webinar series last year, we have been delighted to provide a programme covering a range of topics, delivered by experts in their field, in support of rebuilding the lives of brain injury survivors.
Hosted on Zoom, our webinars are free and open to all, including brain injury survivors, carers, family members, health and social care professionals, and anyone with an interest in the topic being discussed. Each session is 30 minutes long, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session with the speaker. The sessions are recorded and available to watch on our YouTube channel for those who are unable to attend the event itself.
Tamsin Keyes, Publications and Research Manager said:
"We are thrilled to be running our webinar programme for a second year running, following the success of 2023’s series.
Last year we were delighted to deliver 8 webinars on a range of subjects relating to brain injury, and we would like to extend our warmest thanks to our expert guest speakers and attendees!
This year we look forward to welcoming you to a new series of sessions to help with raising awareness and understanding of the various ways in which life can be affected by brain injury."
Headway webinars programme
For the full programme to date, and to catch up on the series so far, please click through to our Headway webinars webpage, or simply click the 'sign-up now' button below to go straight to the Eventbrite booking system.
We hope you enjoy this year's programme. Please remember to follow us on
for new webinars and training opportunities as soon as they become available.