Natalie Parr, 44, sustained her brain injury in 2002 after contracting Gulliain-Barre Syndrome – a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system and starves the brain of oxygen.
She spent many years in rehabilitation and was left paralysed from the chest down and needing 24 hour care and is now a keen member of Headway Coventry and Warwickshire.
Natalie says the challenge is not just about wearing the hat but also about participating in, and learning about, the activity linked to it.
“I’ve been invited to a folk festival to join in with a Morris dance which I’m really looking forward to”, Natalie recalls.
“I’m also going to visit the police station and the fire brigade and generally get involved with anyone who wears a hat!
“I’m hoping to share the fun with people of all ages from all the different groups I go to.”
Natalie’s challenge kicked off during Action for Brain Injury Week with a ‘Big Mad Hatters Tea Party’.
“I’m still looking for ideas” says Natalie, “I’d like to meet with anyone who wears a hat for a job or hobby and have a photo in their hat!
“My aim for the challenge is the same as my aim for life – to have fun and meet new people!”
To sponsor Natalie visit her Just Giving page here.