The film ‘The Almond and the Seahorse’ is based on the play of the same name and follows the lives of two characters who have sustained traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Two Headway Groups provided valuable insight for the film into the realities of living with brain injury,
The original play upon which the film is based, was informed by the writers’ visit to Headway Cardiff. The writer met with survivors living with brain injury, and the featured stories are inspired by the experiences that were shared during this visit.
Actors also visited Headway East London to gain a better understanding of brain injury and the group also produced artwork for the film that appears on the walls of a brain injury treatment unit.
Ruth Owens, Director of Services, attended the premiere and said:
"We had a lovely evening enjoying the premiere of The Almond and the Seahorse with the cast and crew - it was a great experience! We were very proud to see artwork created by members from Headway East London used in the film."
The Almond and the Seahorse are the nicknames given to the parts of human brain that lays down new memories and holds on to the old ones. After a traumatic brain injury these parts can change disrupting memory pathways.
Writer, co-director and co-star Celyn Jones was quoted as saying:
“It’s a universal story about love, survival and the powerful fragility of memory. We wanted to shine a bright light on a poignant subject that affects many people caught in the emotional debris of TBI, caught between caring for and being cared for in a world that can leave you behind. I hope our film helps to heal as much as it entertains and don’t worry it’s as funny as it is moving.”
The Almond and the Seahorse opens in UK Cinemas on May 10, a list of theatres showing the film is available here.